Saturday, March 7, 2009

How Islam Plans to Change the World

Now this is one book I most certainly will be purchasing....

Title How Islam Plans to Change the World
Author William Wagner
Format Paperback
ISBN 0825439655
ISBN – 13 978-082543965
Retail Price $14.99
Kregel Publications

Missionary strategist William Wagner analyzes evidence for a well-orchestrated plan for worldwide influence devised by the world's fastest growing religion. Special emphasis is given to how Islam has targeted Christianity and the West.
here is where you will find a very interesting conversation between Dr. Wagner and Dr. Galyon.

A Conversation with Dr. Bill Wagner
Posted by Dr. James Galyon under Arminianism, Baptists, Calvinism, Church History, Evangelism & Missions, Persecuted Church, SBC, Theology

Introduction - Dr. Bill Wagner, a fellow Southwesterner who earned his doctorate in missiology from Fuller Seminary, serves currently as a pastor in California of both the Snyder Lane Baptist Church in Rohnert Park, and the North Bay Iranian Church in Novalto. He is also the president of Olivet University International in San Francisco.

It is difficult to impugn his conservative beliefs, especially considering his credentials within SBC life. He spent 31 years of service with the IMB, held a teaching post (evangelism and missions) at Golden Gate Seminary between 1996-2005, and also served as Second Vice-President of the SBC from 2003-2004. In the midst of the Conservative Resurgence he authored the chapter on Biblical Authority and Mission in Authority and Interpretation (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1987). He is certainly not a Liberal by any means, and has the boldness to assert publicly that the only thing which should dismiss a current church from participation in SBC life is the acceptance of homosexual practice. He stated this publicly, mind you, living and working in the San Francisco area. Dr. Wagner has evidently prayed in earnest about being a candidate for the SBC presidency and has thought the matter out carefully, as demonstrated on his website. In my estimation, Bill Wagner is a bold yet humble minister who has a heart to reach the nations for Jesus Christ. In the “conversation” which follows, Dr. Wagner agreed to answer a set of questions I sent him via e-mail. Upon returning his anwers, he and I worked together to edit and present our finalized “conversation.” The interview may seem “overbearing” on my part, but please recall that all of the questions were posed beforehand. I trust you will find the “conversation” interesting and beneficial.
Dr. Galyon: Dr. Wagner, you pastor two congregations, one of which is ethnic – Iranian. Serving as the pastor of this congregation, and having served as both the Regional Consultant for Evangelism and Church Growth for Europe and the Middle East (1982-1986) and the Chairman of the European Baptist Federation Muslim Awareness Committee for Europe (1985-1993), you certainly understand the general nature of Islam and its persecution of Christians. Your book, How Islam Plans to Change the World (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004), certainly points to the inevitable and ongoing spiritual confrontation between the Islamic religion and the Church. Iranian Christians certainly know of the bitterness brought about by Islamists in their nation. Several years ago you wrote an article, “How Persecuted Churches Grow: Iraq,” in Strategies for Today’s Leader (2001, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 20-23). You and I obviously come from different points on the spectrum of soterioloy – differing over the doctrines of predestination, election, and the nature and degree of free will – yet agree on the necessity of the need for the Gospel to be proclaimed to all peoples in all places and for their responsibility to respond in repentance and faith. We want to see individuals in Iran, for example, come to know Christ Jesus. Can you please tell us the relationship between persecution and Church growth in persecuted nations?
Dr. Wagner: Dr. Galyon, thank you for this opportunity to dialogue with you. I have appreciated our contacts. As I have studied Islam in many countries of the world I am convinced that the persecution of Christians will increase. Shar’ia law states that if a Muslim leaves the faith then they must be put to death. This occurs on a regular basis in many countries of the world. Generally those from the West are allowed to live because they were born as “People of the Book”. This, however, is changing. Now if you offend either the prophet (Mohammed) or Islam you are in danger. I have received death threats but up to now - no action. It could come. My latest book, How Islam Plans to Change the World, does not seem to be so offensive since I only tell what their strategy is to make the world Muslim by the year 2080. At the present time this book has only landed me on CAIR’s “Watch List”. In my church we do not allow people to take photos since many have relatives back in Iran and they could be in danger if the authorities knew of these Christian contacts in the West. It has been said that the blood of those who give their lives is the seed for the growth of the church. This is true inmost situations but the persecution from the Muslims has been so severe that there has been little growth where there has been persecution.

A comment from BrotherSka.
There is a difference between Islamic religious tradition and the Qur’an. A new comparative analysis by Walter Phillips titled Brothers Kept Apart, revealed harmony between the principal teachings of the Bible and the Qur’an. What Mr Wagner has described is Islamic tradition, which is what most if not all Muslims believe.

To read the entire interview and readers comments go to the site.
I found it interesting that he sees islam conquering the world stage by 2080, however, I think they are a bit closer in their strategy...


  1. Muslim says "you will die for what i believe"
    Christian say "I will die for what i believe"

    I wish i could buy the book that you'll be purchasing.But here in Malaysia,any books that Muslim feel offensive are strictly banned.Only 'wonderful' books of Islam are being allowed.Actually,I kind of interested in Ali Sina's book entitled Understanding Muhammad.I want to order one but i know even if it's shipped here,the customs will inspect the content that i order before i can bring it home.So sad...

  2. My God.... I do not often cry these days, but after reading this comment, I just could not help myself. My prayers are with you all.
    I just cannot begin to understand or imagine what it must be like to live under these circumstances. We, here in Australia, have so many freedoms to do what we want (with-in the law and reason) say what we want, go where we want - freely from State to State, or travel around our beautiful Continent/Island and buy want we want...with no one saying we can't or being threatened if we do. And if I want...and I have...ordered books from USA especially the PIGuide to islam and the Crusades, by Mr. Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, and the DVD...What The West Needs To Know About ISLAM....and I did not have one worry about customs telling their islamic cronies and sychophants that there is some infidel ordering these items, so go get her and kill her and her family...or bash her so others get the message.... I really wish there was some way I could get these items to you...I would even pay for them and the postage, if there was some way that would not put you in danger.
    May God bless you and all others who have to live under these conditions.
    Christian Nanna.
